Darya Borisova
Darya Borisova
Director of «Avangard» Educational & Methodological Center for Military Patriotic Education of the Youth

"The Avangard Center is a modern complex equipped with advanced technologies, which will allow us to prove to high school students all year round that they are capable of anything that they might be interested in»

Education: Higher education
  • She graduated from the Russian Academy of Justice with honors in the specialty "Jurisprudence", and then studied at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences in the specialty «Organization Management".
  • Graduated from the Higher Courses of Foreign Languages under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Department of Romance Languages (French).
  • She defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences on the topic "Civil and legal status of subjects of military-technical cooperation" in the specialty "Military law, military problems of international law".

Professional activity:
  • 2020 - currently Director of the Avangard educational and methodological center for military-patriotic youth education.
  • 2020 - present-First Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Сhief of Staff of the General Staff of the All-Russian Children's and Youth military-patriotic public movement "YUNARMIYA".
  • 2020 - Executive Director of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization "Physical Culture and Sports Center "Race of Heroes".
  • 2017 - 2019 - Adviser to the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • 2016 - 2017 - First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the All-Russian Children's and Youth Military-patriotic Public Movement "YUNARMIYA" - Chief of Staff.
  • 2015 - Assistant to the head of the club of the Federal Autonomous Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Central Sports Club of the Army".
  • 2011 - 2015 - held various positions in the Department of Export of Special Equipment and services of Air Defense and Distribution Zones of ROSOBORONEXPORT.

Military rank:
  • Lieutenant of Justice of the reserve, adviser of the state civil Service of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.
  • Participation in combat operations for the defense of the Motherland or in the performance of official duties: September 2017, November 2017, April 2018, February 2021-sent to perform tasks on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

  • Medal "For strengthening the combat community".
  • Medal "To the participant of the military operation in Syria".
  • Medal "In Memory of Heroes of the Fatherland".
  • Medal "To the Participant of the Victory Parade".
  • Medal "Major General Alexander Alexandrov".

Hobby: literature, active recreation.